5 Types Of Weightlifting Accessories To Protect Your Hands In Your Workouts

When you go to the gym and work with weights or dumbbells, do you wear gloves? Are you one of those people who prefer to "feel the grip" with bare hands? Well, let us tell you that you are not doing well, because in the long run, you will really hurt yourself, beyond the typical calluses or hardnesses. It will be at that moment that you realize that the important thing is to take care of your hands with accessories to protect your hands when training with weights.

Weightlifting Accessories to protect your hands in your weight training

When training with weights, many think that feeling the grip is the best, but not at the cost of having their hands shattered. In addition to the fact that the hardness and the typical "pellets" are quite annoying, they seem not very aesthetic in the people who show them.

Surely, many will say that these signals are indicative of the work, and it is true, but the reality is that it is not good for the health of the skin and, in general, of the hands. Below, we show you the best weightlifting accessories to protect your hands in your weight training.

1 Gym gloves

If you don't want to have your palms and rough fingers, wearing gym gloves is very important. In addition to providing a better grip when lifting dumbbells and heavy bars, they also offer comfort and convenience when exercising.

2 Grip straps

This accessory is great, it allows, mainly, to grab the weight bars so that most of the weight falls on our wrists and not on our fingers and hands. Thanks to this accessory we can keep the grip much longer than if we did it with any other.

3 Wristband

Power Lifting can cause severe pain in the wrist over time and cause serious problems in the future, so people prefer to wear the wristband. This is one of the best accessories to protect your hands because it allows you to keep your wrists aligned while you exercise so that you keep your weight balanced. Also, wristbands reduce wrist pain and allow you to continue working without discomfort.

4 Calleras Crossfit

The streets are the most used gloves in CrossFit exercises and, without a doubt, they are one of the best accessories to protect your hands in the gym

In addition to avoiding hardness and pain, the streets are essential instruments if you are a rookie in the gym and what you want is to develop your strength. They are also very useful to increase the number of repetitions in chin-ups without having to be aware of the grip and be able to finish the series without hurting your hands. Another of the exercises in which the streets are used is in the dominated ballasts, in which it is difficult to maintain a good grip with bare hands.

5 Bar Handles

Bar handles are other essential accessories that can help you perform gym exercises correctly because they extend your grip. This instrument is also used by elite champions, bodybuilders, military forces and combat sports.

The main advantages of bar handles are that they increase grip width, adapt to all bars thanks to their beveled ends and are useful for a wide variety of workouts.

Normally, these hand accessories are created with a strong extra strong rubber material, so it is unlikely that you will have to replace them as they are very durable.

How to choose your gym gloves?

The most important thing when you go to buy some gloves is that these are breathable, flexible and that they can adapt perfectly to your hand. It is also essential that you keep them in good condition, that is, wash them frequently and let them air dry. Keep in mind that gloves for lifting weights can for a long time, so you should not mind investing to protect your hands, your work tools in the gym.


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